Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hi all! Sheng Ye is here to blog for the first time in his life..haha.

First of all, Happy new year everyone!!!! Its 2009!!!!! For the past year, i am sure everyone have gone through numerous ups and downs. What matters most is, have you learnt anything from the ups and downs? If not, then in the year of 2009, make sure u do so =D

Personally, i think the most memorable moments of 2008 are the camps that we organized and also.... LTC Pulau Sibu!!!! LTC in Poly is really of a different level compared to guys should try going for it next year...its a camp not to be missed =D

Ok, i think i am turning this into my personal blog >.< so before anybody complains about me, heres a vid i did for SPTC. Its just a short promotional vid but you can assure that alot of time and effort have been spent into doing it....well....maybe not that much =X

Tada! Heres vid...Enjoy! and HAppy NEw year!!!

Signing off
Sheng Ye